To those who mercilessly beat on themselves every day and every night, wrenching at the thought of their failures and tribulations, you are not alone in your suffering.
You need change. I need to change. We all must move along.
Sometimes I find I'm hard on myself, sometimes when the moment is fitting, but most of the time when I don't need to at all. Stop beating yourself up because you believe you are unable, because you believe you're useless...because you think there's no point in trying...because you're failing yet again and you're questioning "why me, why the fuck can't I do anything right?" as tears well in your eyes and your fists tighten... and the same old cycle is complete yet again. Stop. Breathe. Open your eyes. Take a good look in the mirror. Get really close to the mirror, look deeply into your own eyes, until you can see your reflection of yourself within your own pupils, and repeat after me "I'm going to make it through to the end. I'm going to change, I will be a new me." For all the mistakes we make, of all the regrets we tie up into a noose and tease ourselves with, the biggest mistake we can make is stay down and forget attempting our ascent into fulfillment.
To avoid leaving yourself behind, you must change 3 things: Your values, your perception, and your expectations. You have to keep up with the world, and yourself. Move along with the world. always keep moving, direction is key. You don't have to end your story in the saddest moment you can imagine yourself in, which may be the moment you are currently in right now. Keep writing, keep moving. "Fall seven times, get back up eight."