Seahawks News Thread

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May 13, 2002
Why would you not be able to do that? What a stupid rule.
Probably some old outdated rule from the 20's that doesn't make sense anymore. Like how it's against the law to park your horse in front of the Whitehouse

I know I've seen people knock fumbles out of the end zone before.
May 9, 2002
Probably some old outdated rule from the 20's that doesn't make sense anymore. Like how it's against the law to park your horse in front of the Whitehouse

I know I've seen people knock fumbles out of the end zone before.
Yeah, punters do it all the time when there is a bad snap that goes over there head and into the endzone...its actually TAUGHT. However, that is considered a safety because the offense went through the endzone. Its ridiculous to think that a defender couldn't knock it out. I mean, why not? Whats the point of penalizing a team for that?

One of the biggest complaints i have about the NFL, are the amount of rules. No other sport has as many rules as the NFL and its not even close. And apparently there is a committee dedicated, right now, to shrinking the rule book and that play last night? Thats one of them that is in the cue.
May 13, 2002
It's way to technical. That's why the ref didn't call it. Why would he want to change the course of the game at the very end after an amazing defensive player because of some obscure technicality? He saw that the ball was on its way out.

Anyways, Bennett was on fire yesterday lol

Michael Bennett: "I don't like Matt Stafford much. He's from Dallas. They killed the President (JFK). ... I hold it against him."

Michael Bennett cheerleading:


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Well i said yesterday i didn't know whether to be happy with our defense and the win or disappointed with our offense and the line. Slept on it and I'm pretty happy with this win, even more so because people tried to ruin it and discredit it. Russell Wilson never had and will never have a fumbling problem ; forget about that it was an anomaly. The line will get much better at blocking, tbh it's amazing things aren't worse than they are given half those guys were never offensive linemen to begin with. and with the defense playing like it is this is still very much a playoff team, and we haven't even started getting interceptions yet lol it's only going to get better. I'll take that gladly


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Kam Chancellor is out there ruining lives
By Zito Madu  @_Zeets on Oct 6, 2015, 11:52a 23
Kam Chancellor is not fair. Kam Chancellor must be stopped.

There are aliens among us. They look like us, they talk like us, they even hold out before the season like us. But, trust me on this, they are anything but human and they are dangerous. By "they," I mean him. And by "him," I mean Kam Chancellor. You may know him from such hits as "Oh man, he just destroyed that slot receiver," "Kam please, just let my team win" and his most famous work, "I'm sick of him and I'm sick of the NFL."

The Detroit Lions suck. Let's not pretend here. Though the team is bad -- really bad -- Calvin Johnson is a pretty awesome guy. He's what you get if Mr. Fantastic started doing CrossFit and drinking protein shakes between experiments. Like if the Indominus Rex put on a visor and football pads and pretended to be a real person. Johnson is nicknamed after a robot who once said, "You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!" Which is ironic considering that Calvin Johnson plays with Matt Stafford. Life.

Anyway, Kam Chancellor did this to him:

Ah man, life as a shawty shouldn't be so rough. Calvin Johnson basically just ran into one of those unfinished areas in a video game where the character just kinda falls and twirls into oblivion until they regenerate. Kam hit him so hard he probably felt like bystanders do when the Men in Black erase their memories. Stafford really led Johnson to his grave like Scar did with Simba. Megatron caught that ball and ran into an "I love you like a brother" text. If there was a GIF to explain how it feels when you're having fun on a Sunday night and then you look at your phone and see an email about the meeting at work on Monday, this is it.

You know it's bad because Golden Tate does the George Jefferson strut right before Johnson gets flipped over like an omelet.

Then, with the game on the line, and Detroit driving for a touchdown after Russell Wilson was dissolved into his molecular form, Kam went after Megatron again:

This is bullying if I've ever seen it. It's mean to the Detroit Lions, it's mean to their fans and most of all, it's rude and disrespectful to Calvin Johnson. The man donates his time and money to the needy and Kam Chancellor took away his happiness in the most heartbreaking fashion. This is Nelson Muntz punching nerds with their own hands while telling them to stop hitting themselves. It's like watching Gordon Ramsay berate everything a young cook, who is honestly trying her hardest, does before having her hold two pieces of bread against her head while reaffirming that she is, indeed, an idiot sandwich.

Calvin Johnson was about to make it to class on time after waking up late and Kam Chancellor stopped him in the hallway, took his lunch money and smacked his books out of his hands. And Calvin Johnson is the jock of the school! He's beating up on the big guy who beats up on the nerds.

The misconception when Kam was holding out was that it would take him a few weeks to get up to speed. That's usually the case with players who miss training camp. There's being in shape, and then there's being in football shape. But that belief doesn't take in the fact that as a Weapon X experiment, Kam is always ready. He's built for one speed and one speed only -- all you have to do is activate his programming.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if his agent is actually Dr. Gero and this entire time he's been letting him absorb other football players to reach his final form. I mean, how else do you explain a man who sits out weeks of hard-nosed, professional American football, then walks in and starts flipping sentient robots like tables? Even beyond those two plays, Chancellor was everywhere. Everywhere. Receivers were dropping sure passes just because he was in the vicinity. He's like the tell-tale heart of defensive backs.

What I suggest is that we pay him. Not to give in to his contract demands per se, but in order to keep our children safe. It's not worth our peace of mind. This man will obviously stop at nothing until he's ruined every team and receiver out there. Calvin Johnson is someone's son, and no mother deserves to see her son tossed around like that. Sure, no one really cares about the Lions, but there's still time to save the good teams. Stop Kam Chancellor.

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I've been looking into play breakdowns and it seems that yes while our blocking is horrible, a lot of dudes are doing a great job on their individual assignments and a lot of this frustration can be attributed to our running game not doing good yet and opponents not having to respect it; they can pressure wilson nonstop. We haven't scored a rushing td yet and opponents know it. Jimmy Graham isn't as bad as i made it out he was... wish i had access to the full game film like the organization does where you can break it all down and grade everyone based on their individual assignments... There's a whole lot going on down there player to player that we overlook.

I think we're probably going to stay frustrated with this line until lynch gets back or rawls starts putting up bigger numbers. Playing Cincinnati hoping he has a big game there. Make those fuckers back off that extra second or two so we can put the ball in Grahams hands, get him going
Nov 24, 2003
Well i said yesterday i didn't know whether to be happy with our defense and the win or disappointed with our offense and the line. Slept on it and I'm pretty happy with this win, even more so because people tried to ruin it and discredit it. Russell Wilson never had and will never have a fumbling problem ; forget about that it was an anomaly. The line will get much better at blocking, tbh it's amazing things aren't worse than they are given half those guys were never offensive linemen to begin with. and with the defense playing like it is this is still very much a playoff team, and we haven't even started getting interceptions yet lol it's only going to get better. I'll take that gladly

When and why will they get better?
Nov 24, 2003
Props: BUTCHER 206