Seahawks News Thread

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triple og from the sbp
Sep 1, 2005
if you guys get revenge on us too, the nfc has been hating on yall since the 2012 season. The year you guys where 15-1 it would have been a bad ass game in gb if you guys beat the giants, and yall would have if your oc son didnt die in the middle of the week.
I was at that game it ruined my life for 2 weeks
Props: BUTCHER 206


Dec 7, 2005
dude why are you so angry at the seahawks man? it's not all that serious to keep this up for years and years
Im not mad

Jimmy is hahahahahahah

Imnot saying that perennial All-Pro tight end Jimmy Graham -- acquired in a celebrated offseason trade with the New Orleans Saints -- was quite that upset after catching just one pass for 11 yards on Sunday night, but he clearly wasn't thrilled. Normally a cooperative and amiable interview subject, Graham dressed in an area of the locker room not accessible to media, emerged with his head down and headphones on and brusquely walked toward the exit, declining to stop when I got his attention.

I can't be 100 percent positive, but I strongly suspect he was avoiding an interview because he feared he might say something overly negative. Let's keep an eye on his situation going forward


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Im not mad

Jimmy is hahahahahahah

Imnot saying that perennial All-Pro tight end Jimmy Graham -- acquired in a celebrated offseason trade with the New Orleans Saints -- was quite that upset after catching just one pass for 11 yards on Sunday night, but he clearly wasn't thrilled. Normally a cooperative and amiable interview subject, Graham dressed in an area of the locker room not accessible to media, emerged with his head down and headphones on and brusquely walked toward the exit, declining to stop when I got his attention.

I can't be 100 percent positive, but I strongly suspect he was avoiding an interview because he feared he might say something overly negative. Let's keep an eye on his situation going forward
jimmy graham mustve fucked darrell bevells wife or some shit. we've had graham for months if you haven't "figured out how to utilize him" yet youre a fucking moron plain and simple
May 9, 2002
Yup simce yall started the season the way it ended last year lol
Im sure you had the foresight to see that. My point is, you said the same shit last year at 3-3. And then when we got to the SB, you and your cronies were ghost as fuck. So my advice to you? Shut the fuck up NOW so you wont look like an asshat later. How about that for some foresight?

Now, kick rocks 43 points. Thanks!
Nov 24, 2003
Tough tough game. I was hoping we would start the season 1-1 considering the schedule and I thought we had a shot last night but fuck.

1) I don't know if it's Bevell's play calling or Russell's execution but between the 2 of them they are going to need to figure out how to use Jimmy Graham before he turns into a giant flaming Percy Harvin

2) Sherman had a surprisingly pedestrian game. He usually seems to play up for the GB games

3) The defense as a whole looked fairly solid considering the circumstances but I was hoping Kris Richard would mix up his pressure packages a little more. I'll wait for the stats but it sure seemed like we came with a 4 man rush the majority of the time. Bennett looked good as always. Avril looked very solid. Membane seemed to have an off game. I am looking forward to seeing more Frank Clark..... overall we kept AR under good pressure.

4) The biggest difference between this team and last years team is the O-line and I think it's time we stopped pointing the finger at Kam, Russell, Bevell, etc, etc and started pointing it at Tom Cable. What kind of koolaid does he have everyone drinking that they thought this o-line was a serviceable line to start the season?? Our/his ability to draft o-lineman has been below average and there seems to be some consensus that we can just pick up any guy off the street and Old Tom Cable will be able to whip them into mauling animals in no time. Well that is not happening. Sure our o-line was shitty last year but at least those guys could run block well. This year we are 2nd to last in our pass block and 3rd last in run block. I gave them the benefit of the doubt after game 1 as St Louis has the best d-line in the league and Aaron Donald is currently playing out of his mind. But if Tom Cable can't figure something out soon it is going to be a very long season.

Despite all that we were a few offensive mishaps (fumble, interception) away from very likely winning that game in Green Bay which is still very impressive and gives me high hopes for the remainder of the season.
Props: BUTCHER 206


Dec 7, 2005
Remind when the last time SF won a SB again? You were what, 5?

Fuck outta here breh. No one gives a fuck about your 21 year old SB win.
Its hilarious that u fucks always wanma say other fans bring up thr past. Okay fladhback. We have 5 seattle doesnt. Flashback complete
No? Okay lets talk about current football? 0-2 stfu