Actually I'm too scared of DMT i don't think im ever going to try it. Mushrooms are cool and i may possibly try acid if i knew it was clean and legit and not some research chemical that's going to last 18hours, and if i was in a very positive mindset and environment, but dmt is a little much i think lol. Regular life is a-ok with me
Dmt is supposedly produced naturally when you're dying which is why so many people think they see basedgod in those situations. Like it supposedly happens to make death less stressful. But what you see/feel is all on you in that moment.
Dmt is supposedly produced naturally when you're dying which is why so many people think they see basedgod in those situations. Like it supposedly happens to make death less stressful. But what you see/feel is all on you in that moment.
Your pineal gland naturally produces and releases low level amounts of DMT when you sleep, it's why we dream. It also does release a mega dose when people are having a near death experience and when dying which accounts for yes seeing BasedGod and dead grandmas.
I love fried plantains/bananas, bananas on their own are cool here and there, banana flavored anything is out unless it's strawberry-banana which I like the combo of. I think I almost typed bananas enough times to summons Gwen Stefani.
You do realize pads = harder way more violent hits right? Which is why the NFL has bad concussion and brain damage problems. The same with boxing, the big gloves cause more force and damage to the brain; its a myth that bare knuckle boxing is more hardcore than traditional boxing the physics don't add up.
What's funny? Are you laughing cause you think I'm wrong? Well go look it up yourself then get back to me or just laugh and ignore it i don't give a shit