Fat people are immoral

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Jun 10, 2015
Austin, Texas, US
#1. I'm not in the Child support system. None of my kids are either. How do you know how much I make? I don't like discussing that part. I find it immature and it's really nobody's business. If you know my profession do the math and it will give you an estimate, but I don't see why anybody would care to go that far unless your a fuckin' stalker.

Fat people burden society. its just a fact. Health care, taxes, etc.

#3 Immorality comes in all shapes and sizes. I know people who are fit / good looking in societies eyes, but are staright dead beat pieces of shit.

So,because other people are pieces of shit its ok for everyone to be?

If you can't even correct yourself for your own children, then a post on the internet definitely won't change anything. So you might as well keep waddling on.

May 16, 2002
I've embalmed, prepped & buried more so called fit people in this business. A lot think they're eating healthier and extending their life, but in reality they're malnutritioned and die from cardiac arrest or kidney / liver failure.

While fat people are well nutritioned. Perhaps over nutritioned, but die much more happy.

Fuck society! Death is my job security. Fit or fat your going to die and if I'm alive, I will make sure you get your proper service.

May 16, 2002
Jan 29, 2005
All kidding aside I see more people die from either cancer, alcohol abuse or drug abuse.
Except alcohol and drug abuse aren't even a top 10 killer of people in the US.

However heart disease (#1), diabeetus, and stroke are.

Should I pull the stats on how many people who die of heart disease, diabeetus, and stroke are overweight?
May 16, 2002
Except alcohol and drug abuse aren't even a top 10 killer of people in the US.

However heart disease (#1), diabeetus, and stroke are.

Should I pull the stats on how many people who die of heart disease, diabeetus, and stroke are overweight?
You can pull my weenie while your at it. The point of the matter is fuck your online stats. I work in the mortician field and my nephew works at the hospital.

Your copy and paste or jpegs are not going to tell me what I do for a living. I don't base my stats off the what i read on the internet. I'm actually working in it everyday in my real life.

How the fuck you going to tell me different? LOL!
Props: :ab: and :ab:
Mar 21, 2007
You can pull my weenie while your at it. The point of the matter is fuck your online stats. I work in the mortician field and my nephew works at the hospital.

Your copy and paste or jpegs are not going to tell me what I do for a living. I don't base my stats off the what i read on the internet. I'm actually working in it everyday in my real life.

How the fuck you going to tell me different? LOL!
