Taxi Driver
Fight club
Zero Dark Thirty
In the case of Taxi Driver I think it's not a film that captured a timeless moment like most classics. Some movies are timeless, but some were great simply in that time period. Mid 70's movies were big on vigilantes. Hence Charles Bronson in "Death Wish." A hidden gem I found based on a vigliante is a 1980 film titled, "The Exterminator." If you like those, you'll dig Taxi Driver for what it is. Not expecting to be on the edge of your seat type film.
Fight Club, was good IMHO. Again, kind of just roll with the punches (No punn intended) and take it for what it is. I know it can be quite confusing at first, but overall a good film I thought.
Zero Dark Thirty, the inside look into the killing of Osama Bin Laden. I mean, if your somewhat political or military minded this film is simply not for many. Most would just want it to get to the good part where they kill Bin Laden. The End... whatever. I thought It was good as well. In my defence I watched it with a buddy who was in the military and gained my intrest in watching it. There were a few moments where I felt like, "Cut this mumbo jumbo and let's get to the killing part already, SHIT!" LOL!