bro i know the feeling. some faggot ended my temp assignment 12/23/05. i swear if i catch him in the street its on and crackin. i will never forget that day for the rest of my life.
my shift ended at 6pm. So 5:40pm this dude comes by my desk with a cart and he mumbles to himself, "oh, you are still here." i was like yeah i'm still here, i'm off at 6pm. he said ok, thanks. shift ends at 6pm, i'm walking to the trolley station. get a call at 6:05pm its my temp agency saying they ended my assignment for no reason. that faggot ass manager did it for no damn reason but to be a dick. i spoke to him earlier that day and we was talkin about the chargers, 3 hours later he ends my assignment. fuck that. i'm still hot about it 10 years later lol!