Mixerr Reviews #321
"This is Michael Mixerr. I will talk about what we as a society need to do in order to set a new beauty bar to a brand new height on a new level in fashion for both men and women. As Greta Garbo put it, “Beauty is a matter of health.” .
So if both men and women followed the eating habits and daily fitness routines of the likes of Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, Rita Hayworth, Joan Crawford, Gene Kelly, Errol Flynn, Fred Astaire, Kylie Minogue, and Marilyn Monroe., We would seen an alter of slenderness to hourglass figures of natural beauties. By doing yoga like Marilyn Monroe and eating oatmeal will we set the beauty bar back to a brand new height on a new level in fashion for both men and women. That is how we will set the beauty bar back."
Ava Gardner was a lifetime smoker and died of emphysema.
Greta Garbo had cancer and died of renal failure.
Rita Hayworth was a life long alcoholic and had Alzheimer's disease.
Joan Crawford had pancreatic cancer.
Gene Kelly had a streak of strokes before he died.
Errol Flynn had spinal osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disorder, heard disease, deep venous thrombosis, cirrhosis of the liver, and died of pulmonary embolism. He was also a fascist Nazi spy, who was also bisexual and had sex with underage girls.
Geez Mike, it doesn't sound like you want us to be very healthy at all...?