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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
I was completely absent in my head when they were teaching math from 2nd-4th grade ...I just wasn't in my right mind because of family issues.

I never caught up, to this day I am horrible at math

flunked Math A for 4 years in high school, & decided to go get my GED at 17.

my close homeboy who is from France is a math whiz, & didn't know English, which is my strong point.

this was all before digital shit, so we swapped papers in the test & passed, first try... he did my math, I did his English.

I still use a fucking calculator for the most simple shit, but things happen. I'm dumb as fuck with numbers.
I was ridiculously good at math until like sophomore year of high school (no killa tay). But I always hated it. Found a way to make my 7th and 8th grade math grades count towards high school ones so I just stopped taking math. In community college I took symbolic reasoning and some other mathlike class to avoid taking real math classes. So I technically haven't had a real math class since '98. In middle school I won a nationwide award for a math exam. Got the second highest score in north america. I even got a little brass medal and shit haha. Makes me feel like a loser now. I'm gonna push my son to not be so lazy in school.