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Mar 6, 2014
I played holy in Wrath and Cata, Discipline in MoP and WoD

Currently co-raid leading Mythic Highmaul and Heroic Blackrock Foundry progression on Kil'jaeden.
Oh your on KJ?? Good realm. I'm on oceanic's now but the first US realm I played on was Dethecus, Horde, Chaos Theory was the guild. Best fun trolling and ganking back in the day when world pvp existed before BG's.

I used to Arena a lot with my Rogue, partnered with a lock in 2's and got the achieve for 50 straight wins. Biggest nerd work out all in one night, never sweat so much on a pc lol.

I stopped raiding after Firelands nerf, we downed Rag and my life was complete.

I remember raiding in Molten core 40 mans back in the day, holy shit talk about waste of time.

I ran a Alliance guild on Barthilas (US) back in TBC, we hooked up with gold farmers from Singapore and geared them in exchange for gold to sell. I got a workmate hooked on wow and told him never to buy gold, he went and bought gold then ended up spending hundreds of dollars buying gold from me lol.

All up with the accounts I have sold, I'd say close to 2k USD. It's impossible to sell accounts now, you can only do it once.