real mexican hot chocolate is good but fuck throwing that chunk of chocolate in a pot with milk, I'll just throw grounds in the coffee maker with water
Defy all ordering a iced frappuccino while doing his nails and yelling at his little yappy dog "Quite down now Princess Bishop we are going to get you colored right after I finish my drink."
Defy all ordering a iced frappuccino while doing his nails and yelling at his little yappy dog "Quite down now Princess Bishop we are going to get you colored right after I finish my drink."
I thought that was some shit that was invented in your country I guess I was wrong. Not one person I've met ever have told me they want that I asked all of them
real mexican hot chocolate is good but fuck throwing that chunk of chocolate in a pot with milk, I'll just throw grounds in the coffee maker with water
My bad I thought you were implying that making it like that wasn't real Mexican hot chocolate or something and was the equivalent of the coffee making process you posted.
Takes like 10 minutes to make. I make real hot chocolate with chocolate and milk from time to time but won't front most of mine is the instant stuff and usually nuked with h2o.