Russian broad gets face punched in

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May 13, 2002
The story is that this is a gameshow, the last person to remain with their hand on the vehicle wins it. She taunted the guy next to her, apparently spitting on him and he decided that she went too far.

'He asked her multiple times to stop. She was hitting him, and others in the show multiple times, also spitting, cursing, etc. He just snapped, like most others would,' wrote one commenter.

Another said: 'She was antagonizing everyone on that set. Spitting on them, cursing at them, hitting them with ****, slapping them. The guy that ended up throwing her to the ground and punching her kept his cool the entire time until this point. Prior to throwing her down he had repeatedly asked her to stop, but she persisted.'
Jun 5, 2004
Crazy how on gameshows in india a woman provoking a slap to her face gets chased down by an angry mob,

But in russia the same situation but the girl gets muay thai neck tossed onto the stage and hammer fisted in the nose, nobody really cares. Even the host waited hella long and was like "i do not care but ze camaraas are steel rooollingh so i must exheebet baasic humann compaaassion"