I'm obviously ten years old because I actually laughed out loud at "... larger supermarkets generally stock the Mr Brain's brand of mass-produced faggot" and "It is still common to see small butchers' shops in the area selling faggots cheaply, made to their own recipe."
Thank allah I was cured of my faggot stomach which was essentially severe bile reflux, shit is weak. I got heartburn the other day from binge drinking and pizza and it woke me up but it was still like a 1 on a scale to 10. Heartburn is a joke lol @ taking supplements for it
Me at 1120pm: finished some faggot chicken bacon asiago combo those faggots gave me instead of my burger, stupid fucks. So not only did I get fast food I didn't even get the burger my mind and body craves (no jmacc) so ill probably go again tomorrow. Fuckin wendys
I tried calling the police about this but had to hang up once they started asking who I am and stuff, fuckers now they won't stop calling me back. I did the 2nd best thing though sent wendys a polite passive aggressive email
I think ill make hamburgers in the morning. Using rye bread, swiss, and caramelized onion garlic jalapeno jam. Should be loaded with flavor no need for condiments. Maybe a little spicy mustard