Good to be home I feel like I was detoxed from alcohol with dilaudid and Ativan. I never admitted it was due to drinking so I would be treated like a human (it works if you don't flinch), but I know I'm just lying to myself. Like right now I have a strong urge for Rx painkillers and it would be nothing to get some good pills or H right now. I'm smoking what little wax I have left and then I'm going to roll up a fatty and drive to a dispensary for strong edibles and more wax. My daughter is in daycare and the dog, bird and three cats are home with me. I got a cool wife who will let me drink and smoke, a cool boss who I could tell about rehab and this ain't so bad.
I need Valium tho...these nightmares and sweats gotta go.
Thank you guys for all the support and the stories shared
@short you need a new doctor or a new rap, breh...that is terrible treatment
I need Valium tho...these nightmares and sweats gotta go.
Thank you guys for all the support and the stories shared
@short you need a new doctor or a new rap, breh...that is terrible treatment