I was a beast at 4 square, especially when we played in the big squares (the one with the circle in the middle). I was so good at that game, when I lost niggas would cheer...Oh yeah and marbles, I was a beast at that too.
KNOCKOUT was when people would line up at the free throw, using 2 basketballs you would try to make before the person in front of you to get them out. your first shot had to be from the free throw line after that anywhere was game..
Knockout is also called bump. Idk if you had the rule where you could "bump" the other person's ball far away with your ball if they missed their shot and you were under the rim.
Kickball. Basketball, Tag, Football with the original Nerf Turbo Football and that screamer one that made noise when you threw it. Hand held tiger electronics video games, cards, etc.
football, foursquare, and wallball. Peggin people in wall ball was my shit.
Used to play football where the touchdowns were fence to fence. catch a pass and break away damn run 200 yards to score and not even know it. Cant even run 20 yards now and ima give up.
I seen a girl playin teatherball once and I asked if I could play. Not to or 3 hits in the game that shit hit her in the face and she got a bloody nose. bitch ass yard duty thought I punched the bitch and I had to sit out the next recess. Never played that shit again