I was gonna prop this, till the last paragraph. Friday The 13th sucked. Total Recall should have been called Total Miss. And I don't care about Arnie in it or not.
The Halloween remake was cool for the first half. The second half not so much. Halloween 2 was bad though. That one sucked.
The Halloween remake was cool for the first half. The second half not so much. Halloween 2 was bad though. That one sucked.
Rob Zombies Halloween was hit or miss in so many different areas. I like Tyler Mane playing Michael Myers, I liked how brutal Michael Myers was. The opening scene of Halloween 2 was awesome in the hospital with Nights in White Satin playing, the rest of the movie I was just like "lolwut", I fucking hated how Zombie turned Dr. Loomis in to a fucking diva.
Mike Manson and Mike Manson