so many innocent lives lost in this fake war, it's appalling.
I feel for the american families who lost soldiers in this battle, those who signed up to protect our country & ended up in Bush's corrupt agenda, so many lives wasted not doing what they signed up for at all.
I also feel for the people of the middle eastern countries who were only protecting themselves from invasion on false pretense.
Now the vision that all Muslims are bad people has become a stigma, when I personally know quite a few who are some of the most kind people I've ever met.
the entire last decade has been under a dark cloud of fear due to the lies projected by our government.
& here comes our "savior" Barack Obama, who pretended to want what we wanted, pretended to be "for the people" wanted change, projected his views as those of us civilians & as well, it all has turned out to be lies.
we have a war mongering money hungry government, & it seems like there is nothing we can do to stop them.
speak up & be killed or jailed.
reminds me of the Nazis, a LOT.