And no need to worry your pretty little head off. Im hoping to move to the Vancouver area to get away from the land of fags, homeless, hipsters, and tree huggers that you soaffectionately refer to as "Oregon"
And no need to worry your pretty little head off. Im hoping to move to the Vancouver area to get away from the land of fags, homeless, hipsters, and tree huggers that you soaffectionately refer to as "Oregon"
I know dog im from there lol. But since Shane wants to be super cool guy right now i wanted to throw that in there. Dude seems to be pretty thin skinned. Mentioning the fact i OWN a knife apparently is fighting words lol
I know dog im from there lol. But since Shane wants to be super cool guy right now i wanted to throw that in there. Dude seems to be pretty thin skinned. Mentioning the fact i OWN a knife apparently is fighting words lol
For some odd reason today at work I had this line from the movie Clerks in my head over and over "What do you mean there's no ice, You mean I gotta drink this coffee HOT?!"
I don't get the whole dialogue centric story bool chit. It just annoys me. I have to be drunk or on coke to just listen to people talk fast about nothing lol I have almost no tolerance for it at all.