Let me clear this up. The most liquor I've had was like a 1/3 of a beer when I was 11 years old. I was in a small gang by then in Watsonville, CA and the youngest in the click by 3-4 years or so. I thought it tasted like crap was the main reason I didn't want any. That lasted with me forever. People say it's an acquired taste. Why would I repeatedly drink something I hated the taste of?
I've had tiny sips of wine when I attended Catholic church services a few times during communion.
I think I was technically drunk off of nyquil once when I was really sick. I was pretty out of it. I took a 5 hour nap and woke up and still felt like crap after the first dose. I took some again. Took a 1 hour nap and couldn't sleep anymore. As lame as this sounds, everything was in slow motion, or at least felt like it. I immediately wanted to listen to Fat Pat screwed but I thought I might get addicted to it or something cause it sounded amazing. I turned it off and did my best to go back to sleep.