Como chigados me dijiste? Sabes con quien estas hablando pendejo? Yo a peliado en la guerra y estoy entrenado a matar. Y tengo entrenamiento con los sellos de la marina. Yo te enquentro donde estes pinche pedaso de mierda. Yo a peliado mano a mano con gorillas guey! Hoye me bien! Yo te enquentro asta fin del mundo simplememente sigiendo tu dirección IP. Ten confiansa que te encuentro vavoso!
Honestly, I only watched it once & don't remember too much. I do remember people saying it was terrible, so when I watched it I expected it to be horrible & didn't think it was too bad.
short has to be the main person that always intentionally posts shit in the open forum when the stuff posted can easily be posted into the forum its suppose to be in