@Shea I never said he didn't have anything to do with it lmao... That is a possibility... I said he ain't no goddamn ninja breh... the way they got cut was by people who knew what they were doing. Now, to the thing of white America wanting to see OJ fry for the shit, why you in denial about it? I heard white America talking about it on the radio just the other day, posing the question of what came to your mind when the bronco chase went down and was on the tv, and every single caller was a white person saying the first thought in they mind was he was guilty as shit (and that was without an ounce of evidence mind you). When asked if they thought he was still guilty, they all said yes and many believed he did the Bronco chase for fame (WTF?)- not one said he was innocent. The white people on this gangster rap music forum do not represent the Xenophobic American white majority. We are talking about two different worlds of white people. Just because you personally believe he guilty doesn't lump you into the white mans world that makes the rules- the world that still found a way to put him away, the world that is a scared, sore loser.