Willie D of the Geto Boys Start Petition To End Ignorance In Response To Blue Ivy Hair Petition

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#1 Source for Rap Music!
Feb 12, 2014
Rap veteran Willie D of the groundbreaking group the Geto Boys has started a petition to, "Stop Giving Ignorance A Platform." The petition comes on the heels of harsh criticism aimed at its author and those who signed an online apetition at change.org to encourage Jay Z and Beyoncé to groom their 2-year old daughter's hair.

The petition reportedly created by a New York woman named Jasmine Toliver reads, This matter has escalated to the child developing matted dreads and lint balls. Please let the word out to properly care got Blue Ivy hair." Willie D who is also an...

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Feb 2, 2006
didnt he go to jail for sellin bootleg iphones lol

sellin bootleg iphones > joe camels bubblegum pop rap music

the beyonce / joe camel regime stans will do anything to get their idols some attention
Jun 5, 2004
Lol wow im just joking tho... they really did a online petition to change the babys hair? Thats doin way too much and hella messed up. To really be that concerned about a baby is fuckin retarded... U tell a black mother that she dosent care for her babys hair enough and its gonna be funk on sight, i wouldnt fuck wit beyonce she aint a gangsta but she has more than enough money to get your whole crew x'd out if she really wanted to lol