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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
L.D.S. @L.D.S. if Strange finances your screenplay, are you gonna try and actually make it yourself or just basically sell them the screenplay?

I'd be kind of scared what they did with my screenplay lol
and if you do make it yourself and need an editor, hit me up, that's my expertise
Yeah, thanks, breh. I may need a fresh pair of eyes to critique it and tell me what sucks.

And effectively I will pitch the idea with directing it myself in mind. They use a production company called Liquid 9 in KC that makes all of their music videos, and I think they do short films, too. I'd like to make the film feature length, but I'm leaving the option open for the idea to flesh itself out, as far as length goes.

I'm not too worried about the idea of changes being made in the script since Travis and Tech believe full artistic freedom is paramount. If they don't want anything to do with the film after it's written, I still pitched my own idea to a well renowned artist, and I'm out nothing. I'll still make the film regardless if it's not something they're interested in, it'll just take longer to become a reality.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
i dont use the N word, never have... I feel like it's tacky & not for white folks to use.

.......but every now and again I feel the need to call cheeto @cheeto "My nigga Fat Steve"

Am I a bad motha fucka for this? LOL
its the worst when white broads use it man. lol