Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jun 5, 2004
I had one of those edible honey sticks, yeeeeee

I smoked some bbk too im fuckin blazed, i dont even smoke that much nowadays lol

Its funny how nowadays youre wierd if you dont smoke weed. I had to start smokin again cuz too many bitches were hittin me up calling me like "heyyy whats up, nothingggg im just with my (fyyyyyyyyyyyyne ass) homegirl and were seein if you wanna smoke this blunt??" And im like well i dont really smoke anymore but im still down t-----"OOOkayyyy h-hold onn heeeeeeeeeeyyy lemme call u right back"-CLICK- dosent call back.

Bitches nowadays dont trust you if you dont smoke weed. They be like "omg he dosent sssmoke? Whyyyy?? He must be like, a serial killer, or some kind of wierd hillbilly or a mormon or something...maybe has athsma! Eeew did he touch any of my stuff? I dont wanna get his athsma on me!"
Props: BUTCHER 206