You don't know how much money I make ...... I bet your bitch makes more money then you and the money you do make you hand it over to her every 2 weeks!!!!
What AP9 FAILS 2 Realize is more than 1/2 the people here AREN'T HATING they are Genuinely asking questions about your pathetic delusional behavior, and why you do it or think its okay! Calling you Out on your BS with PURE black and white FACTS. Your Mob Figa pass is hereby Revoked! Good Day Sir.
This is 100% fact. I been here since day 1! Its always been this way. Its how you take someone typing shit to you. If you handle it well, it will stop. If you end up being emotional and irrational in your reply to shit talk, you write your own death sentence! The Siccness is ruthless! But once you get through the hazing, its smooth sailing.... For the most part.
Why dont you go measure a-wax's arms if you wanna know so bad!
Lol nah but i swear wax looks hella different every like two years... He used to look way different back in the 00's than he does now, i think that might be from a cocaine diet