Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
I think it would be funny if we picked a random siccness user, and then at least once a page on this thread and any other random thread we @thatperson along with a single picture.

Then when they log on there will be 1k notifications all leading him to a picture of a pickle or something, all from random people he doesn't know, and it keeps happening all the time.

That will eventually drive said person insane.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall

Tardigrades are classified as extremophiles, organisms that can thrive in a physically or geochemically extreme condition that would be detrimental to most life on Earth. For example, tardigrades can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, pressures about six times stronger than pressures found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a person, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 10 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce
Tardigrade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm guessing a few hundred thousand years after we die out these things got next once they evolve past being a micro-animal.
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Example; 3 days from now LDS signs on and notices he has a notification in a AP.9 thread, and its a picture of James Vanderbeek crying.

Then a notification in here, and its James crying, then a raiders thread, and its James crying, again, and again, and again. All from different people, all over the siccness.