Fat free vanilla yogurt, frozen strawburries, frozen banana and frozen raspburries. Milled flax seed, kale/spinach (optional, makes it taste like shit), a bit of honey and a bit of OJ. And if you can mung bean sprouts brah. If you get like 2-3 tbsp of flax seed and sprouted mung beans that smoothie is like 15g of protein, all your omega, a daily fruit serving and taste bomb.
Every morning, it takes like 5min.
Also get some carrots and cucumber, eat that shit as snacks instead of chips. Instead of killing a pack of doritos have a bowl of cucumber and carrots that's what I been doing.
Eat a bunch of small meals instead of a couple big ones. Drink a fuck tonne of water everyday.
Eat more meat and less grains. When you do have grains only have whole wheat or whole grain.
These are all the pointers I can think of. Get on that shit before it just gets harder n harder.