CM Punk Just Quit WWE

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Jan 29, 2005
lol apparently he walked out of Raw and told Vince McMahon he wasn't coming back.

Breaking News: Top WWE star leaves company

Word has come out that CM Punk has left WWE, according to sources for the Wrestling Observer and PWInsider.

After being re-written out of the script for Raw, Punk reportedly told Vince McMahon he was going home and that he wasn't coming back. The company responded by pulling him from all of his scheduled WWE dates going forward.

Punk was scheduled to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, but as we saw on Raw, early signs may have been shown that Triple H will be facing Daniel Bryan at Mania instead. No word if the match change is what caused Punk to leave, or if the match was changed because Punk left. reports that Bryan VS HHH is, indeed, the current plan for Mania.

In the past, Punk had been very vocal about "part-time" wrestlers returning to WWE and getting pushed ahead of guys who are there on a nightly basis, and that may be a reason for him being upset. PWInsider says that Punk's final goal for his time with WWE was to main event WrestleMania, and with his current contract expiring in July, and with it becoming more and more apparent that he would not be main eventing Mania this year, his failure to achieve that goal may be a driving force for his departure.

All signs indicate that this is not a work, but we'll pass on any more information as it comes in.
Read more at Breaking News: Top WWE star leaves company


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
yeah it's probably a work, since "the authority" eliminated him from the Royal Rumble

if it is a work, that would actually be creative as hell leaking it to dirtsheets.

Best way to tell if it's a work is if they mention it on Raw on Monday. If he really quit I doubt they say anything and he just disappears.
WWE needs to capitalize on this if in fact it is a work. they screwed this up the first time, hope they make it right this time. have punk hit twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube, shooting on WWE. have him buy a ticket at a TNA show. have him randomly show up at RAW and Smackdown and whup people's ass. Have the police arrest him as well. And of course at Wrestlemania have him cost Batista the belt.


Apr 25, 2002
WWE needs to capitalize on this if in fact it is a work. they screwed this up the first time, hope they make it right this time. have punk hit twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube, shooting on WWE. have him buy a ticket at a TNA show. have him randomly show up at RAW and Smackdown and whup people's ass. Have the police arrest him as well. And of course at Wrestlemania have him cost Batista the belt.
If it is a work that is exactly how they should do it.
Feb 9, 2006
If it is true I completely understand if he left because of Batista n shit like that. It would piss me THE FUCK OFF if I worked my ass off allllll year long night in and night out like Punk and alot of guys do and then someone like bitch ass Batista walks in and gets a pass right to the front of the line. I can kind of understand it with the Rock cuz he paid his dues back in the day and his name carries so much weight with it. But Batista? Who the fuck is he? A FUCKIN NOBODY. I would take Punk headlining WM any day over Batista or Orton or Cena. So if that is the case maybe he should walk. Maybe that will be the kick in the ass the WWE needs to get their shit together and stop fuckin over the real talent there and stop pushing the same ol bullshit ass dudes.
Feb 9, 2006
WWE stopped following CM Punk on Twitter this afternoon. Considering they follow a number of discarded characters (Dr. Shelby) and WWE NXT talents who have since been released, that should tell you all you need to know.

That from PWInsider
Jan 18, 2006
I kinda hope he did really walk. Wake up call to the jackasses that control everything at WWE. I dont believe Vince really controls things like he use to. HHH might be fucking up once again lol. They fucked off Punks character so bad after he made it back to the top after they blew it when he had his first title run like 3 or 4 years ago.

Hes been involved in some of the dumbest storylines after that first title run and also super dragged on storylines after his 2nd. He really came to WWE at the wrong time, with all his pg shit he cant really speak his mind much at all and hes the best one to do it thats in WWE thats for sure
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May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
I kinda hope he did really walk. Wake up call to the jackasses that control everything at WWE. I dont believe Vince really controls things like he use to. HHH might be fucking up once again lol. They fucked off Punks character so bad after he made it back to the top after they blew it when he had his first title run like 3 or 4 years ago.

Hes been involved in some of the dumbest storylines after that first title run and also super dragged on storylines after his 2nd. He really came to WWE at the wrong time, with all his pg shit he cant really speak his mind much at all and hes the best one to do it thats in WWE thats for sure
3 years ago when Punk won the belt in Chicago he was on his way to becoming the biggest star since stone cold and the rock IMO. How they fucked that off who knows.
punk fits whats goin on right now: a whiny, self absorbed individual, an asshole. people can relate to that these days. i dont understand why they wont just let him be the face of the company. even tho Cena aint the champ, it dont matter cuz all these storylines will eventually lead back to him. He probably is either hurt or is doing a movie.
But back to punk. if it aint a work, i'd like to see him go to TNA. ratings would go thru the roof for them.
Nov 24, 2003
That was in the air.... Friday at some Wizard World comic con he said

- he’s tired of traveling and never gets to see the places anyway since it’s just going from one show to the next, without ever getting to do any touristy stuff.

- he’s been really sick, especially from September through November of last year. He was basically having weekly MRIs and blood work done, but they can’t figure out what’s wrong. He noted that he started eating meat again and is starting to feel a little better, but still wasn’t even close to 100%.

- He called Batista a friend and he was happy cause he's not a part time deal like The Rock but didn’t feel that the time was right to come back because it was so unfair to take away the glory from the other wrestlers who work so hard every day (pretty much spoiled the Rumble match ) and Bryan Danielson deserved to be the man in 2014

- He was frustrated with the direction that the company was going and felt that the writers weren’t in touch with what the fans want.

- He was very disinterested in the current product. Asked about promos he defeatedly made comments like "I show up. Someone tells me what to do and I just go out do it and leave." He implied his recent work was not good and was down to only using two moves a match.

- He doesn’t think that Sting should come to WWE because frankly, he doesn’t have anything left in the tank and would again take away from the younger wrestlers.

- He’s interested in the UFC if his body is up for it, but right now he didn’t think his body was in any shape for it. If he could get to feeling better, it might be an itch that he wants to scratch.

- He’s good money-wise, and hasn’t really spent much so he’s not worried about receiving a paycheck anymore.

Punk got some good points but IMO walking to home is one of the biggest no no in the WWE book and at the end AJ Lee and Kofi will probably get buried
May 24, 2002

It's worth noting that Triple H did not make an appearance in front of the rowdy crowd at last night's WWE NXT TV tapings at Full Sail University. Regarding the CM Punk chants that we reported on last night, one fan wrote to us and described it as one of the most disrespectful things they have ever seen from a wrestling crowd. Fans were chanting for Punk during other wrestler entrances and during their matches. Another fan said it had to be a nerve-wracking night for WWE officials because of the Punk fans.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
WWE Made a Mistake in Not Addressing CM Punk's Absence from Raw | Bleacher Report

WWE Made a Mistake in Not Addressing CM Punk's Absence from Raw
Ryan Dilbert , Featured Columnist
Feb 4, 2014

WWE Made a Mistake in Not Addressing CM Punk's Absence from Raw

CM Punk's name flooded the arena on Monday's WWE Raw, giving voice to fan displeasure that the company unwisely ignored.

The show should have been a celebration of Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton's fantastic match, Emma's debut and excitement building for The Shield and The Wyatt Family's bout at Elimination Chamber. Instead, the post-Raw narrative is going to be about unhappy fans and Punk's absence, something WWE only made worse by not addressing the issue.

Fans in Omaha, Neb., chanted loudly and passionately for Punk on the first Raw since word of him quitting surfaced. Orton had to hurry through his speech, Stephanie McMahon was barely audible at one point and several of the night's matches had Punk chants as their soundtracks.

Vince McMahon and company couldn't just whip Punk out of a hat, of course, but it was a mistake to just trudge ahead with no mention of why he was not around.

WWE simply went on as if it were any other episode of the show. Orton opened the night talking about being the best of this generation or any other. The Omaha fans made it clear that this was far from what they wanted to hear.

Randy Orton struggled to be heard thanks to chants for CM Punk.

The maddened response to the situation is something WWE should have seen coming. At an NXT taping earlier in the week, fans hijacked the show with chants and signs in support of Punk, per

Apparently, officials didn't believe that Omaha fans would respond in similar fashion.

PWInsider, via,

WWE's production team is well aware that there might be CM Punk chants at tonight's RAW from Omaha but they expect it to be more of a problem when they get closer to the Northeast part of the country and actually in Chicago. They don't see Omaha as a hotbed of "internet fans."

Omaha fans proved WWE wrong. Punk is not just a favorite of "Internet fans." He's a top star that fans were upset to see go.

There is nothing WWE could have done to fully appease them, but its approach to the situation was the wrong move. His absence could have been worked in as a storyline, saying that Punk quit because he was tired of dealing with The Authority.

After all, it's been just over a week since Kane eliminated Punk from the Royal Rumble and sent him through an announce table.

Had Triple H began the show by saying that he was glad to see Punk go, it would have turned fans' anger into heat on him and The Authority in general. That would have at least allowed fans a place to channel their frustration.

B/R's own Justin LaBar offered an alternative approach.

Going the route WWE chose didn't work. Punk chants continued throughout much of the night, taking focus away from everything onscreen.

Taking away fans' signs didn't help either. reports that "numerous CM Punk fan signs were being confiscated" at Monday's Raw.

The folks at The Nick & Bryan Show were among many who found this shot of a fan making fun of the situation.

WWE is likely just hoping that this backlash will simmer down eventually. Before the company wishes Punk luck on his future endeavors, officials are surely holding out hope that someone can talk Punk into coming back. In the meantime, WWE has to say something.

As it stands, there is a strange feeling floating in the air. It's a feeling that goes beyond fans apparently.

PWInsider, via, reported the following:

Morale was low backstage at last night's RAW. There was a feeling among wrestlers that Punk walking out was going to be a loss for the whole locker room since he's always speaking up for everyone. There was also a feeling that as much talk as there has been about potential WrestleMania XXX creative changes in the past week, there wasn't any real sign of that.

WWE clearly needs to have a discussing regarding the Punk situation to the other Superstars. Something as simple as "We value and respect Punk and are working to patch things up and get him back" would suffice.

Otherwise, a silent approach to Punk's departure seems to say that the machine will go on with or without any individual part. There's an uncaring element to that statement even with as much truth as it holds.

WWE spends so much effort trying to get fans attached to wrestlers. When it succeeds, it makes seeing someone leave an emotional experience. The company had a tough task in dealing with that, but not acknowledging it at all was a failure.