i would take it a step further and say she's the type to put holes in the condom
or better yet...shes the type that would wait for you to toss the used condom and then fish it out the trash and then empty the contents of the condom into herself later...
i've had a girl do these things with me in my earlier years....i heard a great way to stop that from happening...tobasco or your hot sauce of choice...keep some by the bed ...when your finished add some to the used condom....if she tries to get funny..the jokes on her and her burning vagina
semen can live up to 48 hours in a condom...some die quickly others dont...
now imagine you get done fucking dispose of the condom in the trash as normal...now you either go to sleep or do something else whatever it may be...the broad really really likes you or maybe she just wants a kid because her "clock" is on a countdown to crazy town....so she goes to the condom in the trash...runs to the bathroom or possibly already in the bathroom with it and empties the contents of said condom into herself ...and boom misses her period and you get that funtastic call saying she's pregnant ... im good off that shit, a few drops of tobasco or hot sauce of your preference will do the job just fine...its safe and effective..and a guaranteed she wont be doing that again anytime soon...its quite comical when it happens and very eye opening to the type of person she actually is ...if you want to be super stealth get norte red condoms, that way they cant tell ...
you do what works for you, i'll stick to my methods ..if pouring hot sauce into a condom is too much work for you chances are you wont enjoy what having a kid you dont want entails