My name is Hiroshiminao Konichivo. I very passionate Japanese man but with very small penis, it size of matchstick when full erect. I seek pretty young American girl for all over body massage to assist in bedroom department and this very urgent! I new to California area and lonely man as wife passed away and this recent event. I see many girl here on internet web site but want pretty girl with long finger nail which I like! I book for one hour sex session and wear rubber johnny through out sex session. I like very much lady to spank Japanese arse as help with feeling of guilt for recent deceased wife. This make me very sad as she lovely woman but die from strange tropical virus when having operation on leg in Colorado hospital five month ago. I just need address and time for sex session and Hiroshiminao come to get arse spanked by pretty girl. I bring nice Japanese music CD along to set mood and candles both for mood and to drip wax on sore arse plus dick and balls. This I want very much and await reply from you greater ladies. Sincerely, Hiroshiminao (Hiro)