I feel sorry for your kids being raised by a leftist pussy who's life is dictated by political correctness. You are what we call, a 'shitkicker'
Get a real job loser.
I don't have any kids, but yeah I am a leftist. What I don't get is why you even post here. There are a billion websites out there and yet you frequent one where everyone dislikes you. Is it not possible for you to find a place where you actually fit in? I mean when I give people shit on here--talk shit about cheeto's side piece, or tell al to get a job, it's because I like them and I'm giving them friendly shit. When people talk shit to you, it's because your an unpleasant person and roundly disliked. Why come here? No one likes you bro. I used to stand up for you in the syko sniper days, but now that I've 'gotten to know you' in this thread I'm embarrassed I ever thought you deserved to post here. The only people I've ever seen back you up are fiver and Shea. Fiver just likes to go against the trend and Shea just happens to be the nicest person in the world, but I can pretty much gaurentee that if you conducted yourself around them in person in the same way you do on here you'd get knocked the fuck out. I dunno what happened in your life, maybe you got picked on when you were little or no one would eat lunch with you or something, but you are an incredibly unpleasant person. And your the only guy in this thread that no one likes. Why don't you find a site where you're accepted and save the rest of us the displeasure oh having to interact with you.