I got some money from my grandma, some money from my father-in-law, some money from my dad and step-mom, a nice ass Dallas Cowboys blanket (already had hella naps on the couch with it), a $15 WaWa gift card, a $15 Sheetz gift card, a $25 Chipotle gift card (all from step-mom), and some stupid junk from my mother-in-law/step-father-in-law.
I wish the mother-in-law would take a cue from my step-mom and do gift cards. The shit she gave me can't even be re-gifted lol. She refuses to do gift cards as well.
Oh and from the wife and roommate I got Shutter Island on DVD, MMLP2 CD, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Edward Kenway figure, some Axe body spray, some Nautica Voyage cologne and some Nautica body spray.