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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
yes it does you cant go to the gym finish working out go swoop an 18 pack and some fast food and expect results
That's extreme.

1. You first have to figure your body type, and plan a workout from there.

If you're going in there banging around on equipment without tailoring your workouts to your body, you've already just hurt your chances of maximum weight loss and muscle gains.

There are specific types of workouts for endomorphs, ectomorphs, and mesomorphs. I'm a mesomorph-type, which means I'm already muscular and my fat content is balanced well over my entire body, rather than the former types which do not balance their weights well due to fat congregating in the waste, bottom, or hips.

2. Then, you determine what your key heart rate will be. An effective aerobic workout has the body working between 40-80% of its maximum potential.

If you subtract your age from 220, you get your basic maximum heart rate.

3. Then, determine how many calories you must intake daily to keep your build by multiplying your current weight by 16. I'm 350lbs., so I must intake 5,600 calories daily to keep my build.

If I want to lose weight, I cut it by 20% daily in order to burn fat, which puts me at 4,480 calories a day just to cut fat without working out.

Add a workout tailored to your body type, and you're on the right track.

If you cut soda out of your daily rituals, you've gotten rid of 182 calories per 20oz. soda.