Anybody ever try to quit smoking cigarettes?

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i quit smoking cigarettes all the time. like when im at really stressful points in my life ill pick it up, then when im good ill put them down. you just gotta start recognizing your triggers of when you smoke cigarettes. hen driving, after sex, during work breaks, etc. find something else to do in those moments. if that dosent work, pick up smoking weed or take anxiety medication during those triggers until youve leanred to remove it from your mindstate.

what i usually do is if i buy a pack because i needed that one cigarette, ill smoke that one then break all my cigarettes or wet them. then after that im faced with the decision of paying another 6 bucks, or realizing that its not worth it. im usually not bout to buy another pack after destroying them. because i realize i destroyed them because im attempting to quit.

you really aint gonna quit until your ready. and the main thing about quitting is sticking with it. cuz if you quit then pick it back up, you really never quit you just took a break. i hate to say this, but use other drugs as a crutch during your trigger moments when you need a cig then quit that drug quickly. itll be much easier to quit something new than something your used to.

i smoked my last cigarette 2 days ago. im gonna have to get used to driving without it, but instead im just gonna roll blunts up ( i quit smoking weed regularly/every day) and after a week ill go back to no weed, and no cigs. ill be good. its always pretty easy for me to quit, and it always has been, the main thing for me is never picking them up again.

like most said, its mental. the 'withdrawls' aint shit to me. i never felt addicted to cigarettes in the first place, it just helped me to deal with high levels of stressful situations in my life. but then i found better ways around that, or maybe worse ways, but fact is cigarettes are kinda wack to begin with. like i could use one right now, but im damn sho not goin to the store for a pack. i gotta say the 4 valiums i took made me not give a hot fuck bout no cig.

my opinion is substituting something else for cigarettes until cigs are out of your head then quitting whatever that substitute was quickly, is best. or to pick up marijuana. blunts can be used as your tobacco crutch until you can just use joints.

ranting too much. to be honest opiates are the reason i started smoking cigs, so not every drug is gonna be a substitute. you gotta learn your own mind. good luckj bro, but to me cigs are easy to remove.
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May 6, 2002
I've quit about 10 times in the last 18 years.
I've been addicted to every substance there is, and for some reason this was the hardest for me to quit. I haven't smoked for about 3 years now.

I've known people who have quit for 14 years, and have picked it back up.
The feeling never fully goes away. I still have that once in a while feeling where I crave one.

None really. If you want to smoke, then smoke. You won't be able to stop unless you really don't want to smoke anymore.
May 7, 2013
1510 days since my last cigarette and of all places I quit when I was working in DC Maryland Virginia area, hittin up smoke filled strip clubs and bars every single night lol didn't take any with me there, didn't ask for any, and never touched one since. Never again.
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I'm on day 2 and this shit is fucking annoying! Any tips out there from people who have successfully quit?
vape e-cigs! e-cigs are fucking dope. not those shitty gas station cig-a-likes like blu or njoy. those are made by cigarette companies and theyre pretty gay. theyre probably shitty on purpose so people think wow vaping sucks, id rather just smoke cigs. i suggest going to eGos, Twists, VV Mods, Mechanicals, Oh My! and tell them youre trying to quit smoking, and ask for recommendations on the cheapest and best way to get started. personally id recommend buying a innokin itaste vv 3.0 and an kanger evod tank and pack of interchangeable heads. or an itaste mvp 2.0. for tobacco liquids go to indigovapor's website. for fruits go to seducejuices website. for the cheapest fastest mcdonald's of the vape world go to mtbakervapors website. coupon codes are available for all these places just google them

vaping is so much better than smoking. does your cigarettes taste like a frosted buttered cinnamon roll? a cake with raspberry frosting? a chocolate donut? sweet creamy coffee? no. it tastes like shit and smells like shit and is killing you. vaping is so much better tasting, better for you by miles, cheaper over time after that initial investment, and switching to vaping from smoking is effortless


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
also, nicotine isnt even bad. smoke has WAY worse stuff in it than nicotine, more addictive things as well, nicotine isnt even the most addictive chemical in cigarettes. there are MAOI's in cigarettes that potentiate the nicotine and alter your brain chemistry. there are other chemicals that also make the nicotine hit your brain harder and faster.

vaping and nicotine are nowhere even near the same as smoking, dont let any idiot scare you with nonsense fear propaganda. educate yourself and try vaping and youll know how bullshit all the negative press is. nicotine use does not equal smoking. not even close
Jul 25, 2007
vaping is so much better than smoking. does your cigarettes taste like a frosted buttered cinnamon roll? a cake with raspberry frosting? a chocolate donut? sweet creamy coffee?
That sounds extra fucking gay. I see a bunch of asians running around thinking they're cool smoking that flavored crap. Its just a trend. If your gonna smoke, smoke the real thing or dont smoke at all. Simple as that bruh.

Do pushups like someone else suggested. I did that when I quit. Get the heart rate up and the last thing you'll want is a cig.


Mar 26, 2006
Its all in the head.
What worked for me was getting distraction or a replacment at points when you really feel the urge to smoke. Like when waiting on a bus, I just listen to music and/or texting was with some friends. Or like after dinner, I always used to smoke. So I just took the dog out and did something totally different as I used to do and it got my mind of it.

In my experience the 1st 2 weeks where the hardest to deal with. After like a month or 2 everything is back to normal like you never smoked before.

I quit around 3 years ago now but it not the 1st time I stopped smoking. 1st try I quit 1,5years. Same with weed. And since you quit that you've allready done the hardest part.

One funny thing tho, when I am asleep I sometimes dream that I'm smoking again. like a fucking nightmarre!

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
quitting weed was way way harder for me. it actually does something/gets you high.

i dont even count my shit, like 'oh its day 3' it dosent bother me to quit to the point where a day is a milestone. i kinda forget i quit until its been a month or two.

woke up, got high, not in th emood for a cig, but i could go back to sleep tho.

continue to chee-chee and smile. like HD says.

i wouldnt suggest it for everyone, but sometimes a big psychedelic trip can end your addictions. like if i was to take shrooms or acid, smoking a cigarette would be disgusting to me and cause me to change my thought process around using them.
i dont know if i was ever physically or mentally addicted in the first place, i just liked a cig after i got high. now it seems i dont even think about a cig when high.

youd think this thread would kinda push me to want a cig but it dosent. the hardest park for be is not asking homies for cig. theyll give me one. and i know enough people that its kinda a bailout. i just gotta tell myself, no.

this paragraph-plus was typed with both eyes closed..way too high right now wtf im goin back to sleep
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Sicc OG
Jul 28, 2012
72 hours & the nicotine is out of your system, I would say put a patch on, I smoked for 23 years now & when I quit i used the patch.

granted i fell off after 9 months, several times, but thats cause i cant stay outta casinos.
I know exactly what you mean about the casinos mayne lol, when I quit that was the only place that really fucked with me because for one, that was pretty much the last place you could still smoke and drink at. also because if you're like me at the craps table or whatever you play, its easy to get turnt the fuck up on a good night. But yea I persevered and overcame, you just have to be strong lol. Its been almost 5 years now for me and I'll never go back. The smell of them is atrocious to me and I have no idea why I started them in the first place.
Mar 24, 2006
Next May it will be 6 years since I lit up a square.

I just quit cold turkey. No patches or any of that fake cigarette shit. It was tough those first couple of weeks but after that it gradually got hella easier. I went with just plain ole' mints as my savior...I'd be constantly eatin' on those damn things like they were goin' out of style. If mints aren't your thing, any hard candy should work. When my pops quit, his savior was sunflower seeds....there use to be seeds fuckin' everywhere. lol He was an old school smoker though, his goto was Pall Malls no filters. YIKES!

He gave me great advice about quitting though, he always told me smoking was just somethin' to do for him and after awhile it became a habit. The habit of just holding the cigarette and puffin' on that motherfucker. Its like an activity. Just the action of you taking your pack out, grabbin' a cigarette and lightin' it up, relaxin' for a few seconds, bringin' your hand up with the cigarette in it up to your mouth, puffin', exhalin', bringin' your hand down, rinse and repeat, so on and so on. If you just take the cigarette out of your hand and replace it with somethin' else like seeds, candy or whatever and before you know it....the anticipation of that "cigarette break" you've been programmed to take for years is completely gone.


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May 7, 2013
WTF @ Newports and Marlboros being over $10 now smh if thats not enough to make you want to quit...

Anyway, yes I agree with those that say cold turkey, that is the most effective way, but if you just can't bring yourself to do it, start weening yourself off by switching to natural additive free, at least that way you detox yourself from the thousands of chemicals including the urine additive (WTF right?). Hypnosis works if you utilize the techniques taught during it, most people go to the hypnosis and then don't practice what is preached so it gets a bad rap, but its legit, the hypnosis techniques utilized are the same ones used in the military