The NRA website's source is the same one that all of the other sites have:, the are ZERO other sources on this even though FOX talked to the NYPD.
And in terms of american news sources I completely forgot about NPR which has the best reporting by far of anyone in the country, and would be all over reporting something like this if there was any truth to it. Again, I don't dispute that long guns that hold over 5 rounds are illegal in NYC, thats on the books since 2010, I don't dispute, although I'm not convinced, that letters may have even been sent out telling people who own guns that are ILLEGAL UNDER NYC LAW that they need to deal with that, but no one is running around seizing guns from peoples houses. If North Dakota sent a letter to someone who owned a tank telling them it was illegal and to deal with it, would that be a big deal?
And in terms of american news sources I completely forgot about NPR which has the best reporting by far of anyone in the country, and would be all over reporting something like this if there was any truth to it. Again, I don't dispute that long guns that hold over 5 rounds are illegal in NYC, thats on the books since 2010, I don't dispute, although I'm not convinced, that letters may have even been sent out telling people who own guns that are ILLEGAL UNDER NYC LAW that they need to deal with that, but no one is running around seizing guns from peoples houses. If North Dakota sent a letter to someone who owned a tank telling them it was illegal and to deal with it, would that be a big deal?
and i believe once the government feels they have enough people handing over their guns whether it be through buy back programs or voluntary, they will be at the rest of the citizens doors demanding them being handed over and by force if necessary...comply or die basically