WWE release Kassius Ohno/Chris Hero

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Nov 24, 2003
WWE has officially released Chris Spradlin, also known as Chris Hero and Kassius Ohno, from his developmental contract. As Hero in Ring of Honor, Spradlin signed a deal with WWE in February of 2012 and was sent immediately to developmental. It seemed like only a matter of time until he would be called up to the main roster, but that call never happened. He was repackaged as Kassius Ohno in NXT. He is now 33 years old and will most likely be taking bookings since he is contractually able to.

So they just fired one of the best wrestler in north-america?

WWE ideas of pro-wrestling entertainment are pointless
May 10, 2002
Wwe is weak as fuck, they buy up all this talent from roh and the indys just to bury them in developmental so they don't become stars somewhere else glad to see him out of the wwe because they would just make him job to cena if he was ever called up
May 6, 2009
Good because that guy was a faggot. Before you get your panties in a bunch, im not saying he wasnt a good wrestler, but he is still a faggot and needs to hit the gym.
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May 6, 2009
He's a faggot yet you're the one that cares what he physically looks like?

So when somebody calls another person "fat boy" does that mean they "care" about what they look like? That doesn't make me a faggot, and I never said that I cared. However, WWE cared and told him to hit the gym and he ever did. What a lazy fuck.
Nov 24, 2003
he looked like shit but when he came back from his "break" he was in much better shape. Even Triple H praised his match with Luke Harper last week....

Now he's booked for PWG ASW 10
Props: Jaysav
May 10, 2002
Lol damn bro, you're throwing a fit over this one, huh? Lol
No I mean that more generally overall not just them releasing Chris hero its not that big a deal its just the fact there's a lot of talented guys on the roster and u still get cena Orton and hhh shoved down your throats I used to love watching wwe but its not even a pro wrestling company anymore its not even entetainment anymore its a corporate commercial and they're wasting a lot of guys careers


Face Scrunched Lookn Rude
Aug 1, 2004
NASWIPP. A subdivision of IKSRTFO
that 2nd run kings of wrestling had in roh around 2009 was the fucking shit

they had matches with everybody [even motor city, LAX, hass + shelton and shit like that] and held the titles for like a year and went to japan with that shit and all that cool shit.

they had shane hagadorn and sara del rey [someone else wwe should have in developmental if u ask me, the ladies locker room is for the most part one dimensional]

woulda been dope to see him do some shit like that with cesaro in the E but its whatever at this point

punk said in his dvd, when it comes to wrestling the cream always rises to the top.. or something like that

those monkeys at tna should make a power move to sign this fool