^^^Giving up on it already? I agree that its slow, but it seems to be building up to something (hopefully).
and honestly unless it really picks up I dont see it getting a second season. I like it but I dont see it holding viewers like True Blood or Game of Thrones does (both of which I really dont care for)
I also like the contrast between time. It carries the story and develops tension. I like that Woody Harrelsons character starts off as the good cop but is a womanizing asshole, and Matthew McConaughey's character's background humanizes him and makes him less of an weirdo.
my not-so-bold gut feeling is that Matthew McConaughey has some sort of involvement-in both detaching himself from the case with his visions, to being way too close (involved) and he disassociates and pre-plans his clues to make it look like somethings breaking. I dont want to say or think hes the killer, because that would be gay, and I actually really hope hes not involved at all, but I dont see this being a straight detective breaking the case type of storyline.