who comes harder on this, googie or cee wee?
i heard googie kick a accapela in his garage about black history and empowerment, he really suprised me with that shit.
i think googie rubbed off on cee wee stylistically at some point, cee wee used to rap faster and way more animated vocally, hes slowed it down hella. i kinda miss that old style
theyre one of my favorite duos in san diego tho.
off topic
man i miss cutthroat. his music was so fucking dope. RIP to the homie....sucks we will never get another cutthroat album unless theirs albums or songs in the vaults somewhere, he was one of my top 3 rappers in SD easily. all my cutthroat cds are scratched. need new ones bad. anyone got ocpies of his albums on either mp3 or on cd? i bought them all and knew him personally..but all my cds are scratched. hook it up if ya can sorry for gettin off topic