then as you try and drive off you accidentally bump into a cop car, then u have a star. you try and ditch the cops, smash up your car with flats but spin in an intersection and the cops ram you, and your car catches fire. your car catches fire and you try to escape on foot but you have 2 stars now and the cops are now shooting at you. more cops arrive at the intersection when your car suddenly explodes, blowing up all the cops. now you have 4 stars and youre on foot. you see a shitty car and run towards it and an suv with swat hanging off the sides starts dumping on you so you say fuck this, stickybomb the fuck outta them and snatch the sshitty car. you spend 10 mins trying to ditch the cops and you have 5 stars. you are hidden under some bridge and just as you think you got away a cop sees you through a wall and 10 cops come outta nowhere. you pull out your rocket launcher but some cop who came outta nowhere blasts you from the side and you finally die. finally back to square 1, the hospital ... shit what was i planning to do again? lol
and i was wrong i didn't have 40hrs playtime it was 33, from 8am tues to 5am fri. hardly a great task