Messy Marv in Reno

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Aug 17, 2002
Im a fan of both artists but lets be real here. OG Mess was dope but K.Dot and Mess are in 2 different lanes.

Kendrick >>> Messy
I hear you on the different lanes but what I'm trying to say is being "lyrical" does not necessarily make you a better creator of music. Marv was making good songs back in the day. I still have not heard anything from Kendrick that I really like and h gets way too much credit as a lyricist.
Props: ParadoxMRR
Mar 6, 2006
At he end of the day don't forget musicians are artists...they have talent...and street shit ain't based on talent may have talent at hands be a well trained marksman with guns or can use a knife like a professional but that's not the same talent were talking about.

So at the end of the day if mess did decide to continue with music I feel that's all good.
You're using that word "artist" way too liberally. Mess is not an artist because he isnt saying anything or providing any perspective. He's not particularly clever or innovative. He is just a hood rapper with a persona and has written some catchy songs. Pac and Dre were artists
Props: pharoah
Mar 6, 2006
Is he using it liberally or is your definition to strict?
hes using it liberally. I see a lot of rappers interviewed who talk about the love of what they do. How can your argue a guy like messy is an artist when doesn't release projects he hypes up and recycles verses? Its the same as calling girls pornstars who do porn, just bc they fuck on camera doesnt make them star. Just because you release an album doesnt make you an artist who should be given slack because of your "artistic" tendencies.
Apr 25, 2002
How can your argue a guy like messy is an artist when doesn't release projects he hypes up and recycles verses?
music is an art form. it always has been. you dont have to be good to do it. you dont have to sell any units to be an artist. creating and putting it together make it art. you personally consider Pac an artist. theres generations of people who dont consider rap to be music. so in their eyes, Pac is far from an artist.

a lot traditional/classic artists dont think graffiti pieces are art. it being created on the streets in a vandalizing fashion dont make it less artsy.
Mar 6, 2006
music is an art form. it always has been. you dont have to be good to do it. you dont have to sell any units to be an artist. creating and putting it together make it art. you personally consider Pac an artist. theres generations of people who dont consider rap to be music. so in their eyes, Pac is far from an artist.

a lot traditional/classic artists dont think graffiti pieces are art. it being created on the streets in a vandalizing fashion dont make it less artsy.
I agreed with you fully. A shitty artist is an artist. A shitty artist loves what they do and even if they suck, try to progress their craft to one day be great. You gonna tell me marv fits that category? Releasing albums of already released tracks and recycled verses dont make you an artist, just a guy with a enough money to press some albums

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
hes using it liberally. I see a lot of rappers interviewed who talk about the love of what they do. How can your argue a guy like messy is an artist when doesn't release projects he hypes up and recycles verses? Its the same as calling girls pornstars who do porn, just bc they fuck on camera doesnt make them star. Just because you release an album doesnt make you an artist who should be given slack because of your "artistic" tendencies.
I've been a artist sice ten years old. As far as the pencil/pen/paint thing, not necessarily breakdancing which is also an art..My father and grandfather were artists. Went to art school at academy of art I know what an artist is but we can agree to disagree because its my opinion breh

I really didn't even read what you said cuz it's subjective as far as I'm concerned and you are free to have your own feelings or beliefs on any subject won't change mine won't change yours

The art form of rap was made by hip hop which is considered a artform in itself, all of which I've prolly been involved with since something like 1984, I think all musicians are artists and that's just my beliefs yo. The only reason I'm talking about my experience is to say how I've formed my opinion

If that's how you feel cool beans g
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2011
Im not salty at anything. what would i be salty about? im blessed in life doing really great and have beautiful family. I havent failed at shit i stopped doing music for some years on my own so i can do the family thing and run my business that i opened up and i been getting paid up with my business. music wasnt and still not my main focus in life. if i wanted to get signed i had offers before and my peoples have associates with alot artists. so quit speaking on what you dont know. alot people be asking me to drop more music so im gonna drop new albums back to back and they are gonna shit on anything you ever will do. your not even versatile and you dont rap about shit but played out pedo weirdo shit and non of your lines are original or worth replaying no wonder you cant get fans. ill post tracks from my new albums on here when they drop early next year. I havent dropped nothing in years and still have a bigger fanbase and following then you. so youre the failure and perfect example of one. think about it in reality nobody and i mean nobody is talking about you or checking for you. i never seen or heard anyone mention the name l.a.m.b (except for lamb skinned condoms & lamb chops children character) or anything about your music outside this siccness site and you spam so hard but fail.

lol we havent even put out our debut music video yet and already have ride or die fans tryna fund us for beats, shows, etc....what u know bout that loyal horrorcore love? aint nobody heard of LAMB?? lmao...and who's heard of darkshowdown??....and all this time, i didnt even know that u were a failed artist and why u were goin at me so hard. makes sense. suckaz do what suckaz will.

lmfao again @ "if i wanted to get signed i had offers"

i feel sorry fo yo mudaa