lol i dunno honestly anytime i try to hang out we argue constantly, so we havent kicked it much the past year. i see him every other month or so, and he doesnt call or leave home so who the hell knows
i almost did in may cause of that faggot stomach case i had for years. turned out to be pretty bad gallstones and my bile duct became completely blocked. i threw up for like 2 weeks in a row lost 30lbs turned jaundiced, stayed in the hospital for 6days on a dilauded drip had my gallbladder removed lost 60%of my blood, still have a stint in there. it was ... AWESOME
you ever watch that extreme weight loss show where ppl lose like 250lbs in 9 months and shit? i like to watch it while eating steak and cheese sammiches drinking mountain dew
Not a whole lot, almost died like a month and a half ago. Was on life support/coma for 9 days. In the hospital for a month, now at a physical rehab center.
Not a whole lot, almost died like a month and a half ago. Was on life support/coma for 9 days. In the hospital for a month, now at a physical rehab center.
holy shit what the hell happened ?? that sucks man but its great you made it and im glad youre alive. jesus christ i had 3 separate panic attacks in the hospital i absolutely could not stand being there a few days, i wanted out every day every hour every minute. a whole month?! youre a damn soldier and fighter