WWE is trying hard not to piss off GLADD
They've probably already bought them another gravy boat...
see "Billy & Chuck" again...
If they make him act gay everything will blow up in WWEs face. Having someone act faggy is straight up disrespectful and will not go over well. GLADD will go ape shit.
Well, there goes that gravy boat... what Im saying is WWE is gonna do something dumb,
It would be like NAACP giving you shit then you decide to have your black wrestler "blacken it up" and give him a cryme Tyme gimmick while he's dribbling a basketball and eating fried chicken.
They were half a click away from that. I still cant get over the bullet proof vest.
i wonder if they can drown out all the "youre a homo" chants comin...
They'll just kill the audio on the live feed, west coast will get fake sound bites of a cheering audience.