Nobody is "signed" to SODMG or Soulja Boy, kinna like Bricksquad, the only rapper who assaulted the kid was Lil Flo Malcom, who Soulja Boy hired on as soon as he started beefing with GBE, Agoff (from OGOD and SGOD) recorded all of this for more attention and let his "goons" take the fall, the lean head stoner nigga is apart of a group called (S.B Boys) and insulted A.Goff by pretending to be a fan to get in contact with Soulja Boy. A.Goff has been doing this kinda shit since 2011, and even took aim at Soulja Boy for most of end of 2012.
this is just another result of Soulja Boy not "feeding these niggas", and blatant ignorance on both the attackers side and the victim.