George Zimmerman--Not Guilty

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Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
I understand this namo 100%. Put urself in trayvons parents shoes. Wut if I was zimmerman and I murdered ur son. No evidence, or proof, just my word (in which I had lies and holes in my story) and I got acquitted. How would u REALLY feel? REALLY? Could u see me on the street at ur local supermarket? At the gas station?
You are asking me to use speculation and emotion to make a judgement and not fact.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
Come on, would he have thought he was a criminal if he wasn't black?
yes, I've been pulled over and harassed countless times by the police and I'm a white looking Mexican. I've had white women change the arm they were holding their purse on walking towards me even when I was serving my country. Yes, I think he could've thought he was for something as simple as the clothing he was wearing.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I think people are still missing the fact that Zimmerman started following a random person for no reason (in this instance), some sort of confrontation happened, and he's a giant coward so when he started getting his ass handed to him he did what pussies from all walks of life do all the time, used a gun to get the upper hand.

All the other stuff is neither here nor there in my opinion. I didn't think he'd be convicted of murder, thought he had a good chance at being of manslaughter (and think he still should have been convicted of it). But the fact is he initiated the whole process that led to the events of that day. For dude to straight up walk is just mind-boggling anyway you cut it and shows how ass backwards Florida is.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
^^ I agree with what you said, but wasn't he also the security guard of that place? I'm not sure but I thought he was. He was at least a little justified if he thought something was out of sorts in the place he was supposed to be guarding. He's a huge pussu though the way he handled it all. I've yet to meet a tough security guard of an apt complex or the like.
Feb 7, 2006
That's the point I'm sayin. If its ok to follow some one start shit and kill them when they fight back, then what kinda country is this? All these people are bringing character in it, so they're saying its ok the boy died because he was a supposed thug. You can say race card or whatever you want but if you think like that you're racist no ifs ands or buts.
Apr 25, 2002
Come on, would he have thought he was a criminal if he wasn't black?

earlier this year a dirty white tweeker 20 something year old looking fuck knocked on my door, in the sprinkling rain, asking me if i would be interested in buying some bullshit. he said he was with some bullshit company and he was out selling door to door, for which he had no credentials, and had what he wanted to sell me in his 5 times over sized jeans pocket. if he was indeed legit, a fucking moron hired him. i opened my door but my security door was closed and locked, like always. i brushed him off and told him im straight in a very irritated way. after about a minute, i realized that he would probably go next door to my old lady neighbor and try to pull that bullshit on her, cus in my eyes he was casing the neighborhood tryna catch some one slippin. i went out side to see if he was at her house. when i got outside, he was already at my neighbors neighbors house, another old lady, who like all of us have a security door that he cant penetrate by just talking. when i went outside and walked towards him, he gave me a wierd tweeker look and walked the opposite direction towards his tweeker homie down the street, totally skipping a couple houses. Mind you, a good salesman aint gonna skip no leads. i did light weight pursue him, to ask what the fuck he is actually selling, up untill he walked towards his dudes way. police in stockton will not respond to a call unless there is a crime in progress or some ones laying on the ground after a crime happened. he wasnt committing no crime to a naive eye, but i did profile his ass real quick. people should be looking out for their neighbors, especially the old folks, cus some police departments admit that they dont have the man power. that dont make you a bad dude, or a racist. cus in your eyes, with your logic, im a racist against white people.

cool story bro. but the point is, it dont matter what color you are. suspicious is suspicious. i profiled his ass by what he was wearing, what he was doing in the relative weather, and i took into account the neighborhood where i live and the type of incidents that happen. i profile all the time. black, mexican, white, middle eastern. its how you carry your self that matters.
Props: skoooolin

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
That's the point I'm sayin. If its ok to follow some one start shit and kill them when they fight back, then what kinda country is this? All these people are bringing character in it, so they're saying its ok the boy died because he was a supposed thug. You can say race card or whatever you want but if you think like that you're racist no ifs ands or buts.
I'm not sure if it's this way in every state, but in Oklahoma you can't shoot someone breaking into your house unless they are IN YOUR HOUSE. Dumbass law there if you ask me.

This other story here, a white dude here owned a pharmacy, 2 black dudes robbed his store at gunpoint, shots ended up being fired and the pharmacy owner killed a young black male that was robbing him and was sent to jail. they are looking at passing a law (if it hasn't already passed) called the "make my day" law like dirty harry I guess. If a dude is robbing you at gunpoint, you have the right to defend yourself. I'm surprised this story didn't get more national news coverage than it did.


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
Watching piers with this rachel jeantel, here is the defense case about her character, this bitch is fucking stupid I feel sorry for her.
Props: DUTCH-F.E
Jul 20, 2010
Put yourself in zimmermans shoes for a second your neighborhood watch they have a close neighborhoods were people actually get along (his whole neighborhood stuck up for him) now youve had a bunch of burgleries going on lately and you see someone in a hoody walking through your neighbors ysrd what do you do
Aug 5, 2004
Teens now a days like fighting and have no respect for elders. Just look at the fight compilation on WSHH. Would anyone here act any differently if they were being beat to death by a teen, and thought they had no fighting chance to survive without using a firearm? it sucks that Trayvon died, and no one knows if Zimmerman truly was being beat to death. I believe they both made poor decisions that night, and Zimmerman needs to be held responsible for his poor decision. The justice system failed on this case, but Americans reaction to this case is a bigger failure IMO.
Props: skoooolin
Apr 26, 2002
Put yourself in zimmermans shoes for a second your neighborhood watch they have a close neighborhoods were people actually get along (his whole neighborhood stuck up for him) now youve had a bunch of burgleries going on lately and you see someone in a hoody walking through your neighbors ysrd what do you do
Do as the dispatcher says.


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
Put yourself in zimmermans shoes for a second your neighborhood watch they have a close neighborhoods were people actually get along (his whole neighborhood stuck up for him) now youve had a bunch of burgleries going on lately and you see someone in a hoody walking through your neighbors ysrd what do you do
I wouldn't be profiling someone for wearing a hoodie.. I wear a hoodie almost everyday when I go workout in the early Mornings. I would be profiling myself. Neighborhood watch but he doesn't remember the street name or addresses of where he was... Ok


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
dispatcher will always tell not to do anything because there are liable for what they say
They could be telling you that because they don't want civilians trying to be heroes and risk getting their ass killed in the process.