Why do people hate on ap9

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Oct 25, 2011
and most of them aren't artist......a lot are also bitter artist who didnt stand a chance in the music game and just dropped out.
eh, I'd say it is about 50/50

most of the artists & producers love to act like they are on top of the world & the rest of the posters are peasants, worthy of nothing but "coming soon" threads.

the same people that support the music being made from said artists & producers. (some of the time)

some may be bitter drop out artists, some may not be... some might jsut see thru the smoke mirrors & bullshit & be calling a spade a spade behind a computer screen or not.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
For me, I don't consider myself to be a "rapper" or "artist" or any of that. I have made some music here and there but have never attempted to sell any of it personally and that's not what it's about for me but having said that, I will say that I believe I have a lot more skills than a lot of the ones that are most vocal about their "skills" on this site. I come to this site mainly cause it's hilarious a lot of the time and there are some good discussions here and there.
Mar 23, 2013
and most of them aren't artist......a lot are also bitter artist who didnt stand a chance in the music game and just dropped out.
Lmao and that is the truth!shits funny to many bitter fans and rappers who never made it in this music or couldn't handle not blowing up and making millions on there first attempt.
So they gave up all I gotta say is if u love making music u will continue to do so whether u blow or not whether u get hated on or not sooner or later your music will touch someone u may never be world wide Cali wide but u do what u love regardless of what people think.
Back to the siccness though they are so sick they got the siccness,,,lol:cry:

One thing I do trip on is when I first starting posting here the slapmaster had all kinds of love and support I know he still does but damn I think,He has more haters now wtf is all that about.maybe u can answer that Indo?
Dec 26, 2004
Lmao and that is the truth!shits funny to many bitter fans and rappers who never made it in this music or couldn't handle not blowing up and making millions on there first attempt.
So they gave up all I gotta say is if u love making music u will continue to do so whether u blow or not whether u get hated on or not sooner or later your music will touch someone u may never be world wide Cali wide but u do what u love regardless of what people think.
Back to the siccness though they are so sick they got the siccness,,,lol:cry:

One thing I do trip on is when I first starting posting here the slapmaster had all kinds of love and support I know he still does but damn I think,He has more haters now wtf is all that about.maybe u can answer that Indo?

i think in the past i fell into the trap of being trolled, and felt the need to defend myself when really nothing said on here matters,thats something that took time for me to figure out. I started music before I was familar with forums so i was kinda new to this type of social networking. In the past I have posted alot but only to show those who liked my music my progress. i gave a lot to this site in the beginning (Free beats, BBQ's, bought a bunch of ad space, even offered to make my BBQ the Siccness BBQ so it confused me how i would get hated on out of nowhere (No constructive.. pure hate lol..) . Me trying to defend my self over the computer just gave others a key to commit fuckery. Today I get it, and could care less what people on here think of me because there not buying studio time, buying beats, or even a factor in anything that im doing. I know what I have accomplished and know its more then most and im happy with where im at today...really happy!
Mar 23, 2013
i think in the past i fell into the trap of being trolled, and felt the need to defend myself when really nothing said on here matters,thats something that took time for me to figure out. I started music before I was familar with forums so i was kinda new to this type of social networking. In the past I have posted alot but only to show those who liked my music my progress. i gave a lot to this site in the beginning (Free beats, BBQ's, bought a bunch of ad space, even offered to make my BBQ the Siccness BBQ so it confused me how i would get hated on out of nowhere (No constructive.. pure hate lol..) . Me trying to defend my self over the computer just gave others a key to commit fuckery. Today I get it, and could care less what people on here think of me because there not buying studio time, buying beats, or even a factor in anything that im doing. I know what I have accomplished and know its more then most and im happy with where im at today...really happy!
i feel ya asslong as u are happy nothing else matters all i gotta say is thats the way it should have always been,i guess it takes certain things to go down for certain poeple to realize and thats what i took for you.
ive been trolled since day one got very little love here but i must say the siccness or members here dont make the world go around and never will everone will continue to do what they do here but do they act like that outa cyber world most will hate u behind a screen and kiss yo ass in person.:siccness:


Of The Mobb Figaz
Feb 2, 2009
For me, I don't consider myself to be a "rapper" or "artist" or any of that. I have made some music here and there but have never attempted to sell any of it personally and that's not what it's about for me but having said that, I will say that I believe I have a lot more skills than a lot of the ones that are most vocal about their "skills" on this site. I come to this site mainly cause it's hilarious a lot of the time and there are some good discussions here and there.
Post a song ..... I gotta hear this!!
Props: abarnes
May 6, 2008
30's East Oakland, Ca
For me, I don't consider myself to be a "rapper" or "artist" or any of that. I have made some music here and there but have never attempted to sell any of it personally and that's not what it's about for me but having said that, I will say that I believe I have a lot more skills than a lot of the ones that are most vocal about their "skills" on this site. I come to this site mainly cause it's hilarious a lot of the time and there are some good discussions here and there.
That's a big claim.

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
if he brags or not.. are you mad because he brags, or mad because he brags about stuff you wish you had? Im just trying to understand what kind of hate it is that people on here have...In public, anywhere I have been with him, Its all respect and actually great interaction with people and fans.
I'm not mad at anything, and the point isn't what he brags about, its that 80% of his posts are him bragging. I don't give a fuck if you're Bill Gates or Jordan, If all your posts are about your accomplishments you look insecure. Like you have a fragile ego and need to prove your success every time you get challenged.
Jul 7, 2009
^Very good point. I mean as an artist, your job pretty much is to be challenged, at least I'd hope so. The challenge is what makes for great music in the long run.

If I tell someone I'm one of the best producers, I'm putting myself in a position for someone to challenge that. If someone opposes and I get all defensive, I clearly do no think I'm the best and people will see right through my inconsistency. This thread is an example of that to me.

Honestly, anything I say in this thread is to provoke thought, and maybe help someone have some possible insight. Good luck to you guys but ease up and focus on what it should really be about; the music.

That concludes my TL;DR. Thank you.

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
Post a song ..... I gotta hear this!!
I realize I'm in a lose/lose here because y'all will be looking for any and every reason to say it's wack but it is what it is.

A @abarnes , no, it's actually a discredit to most of the "rappers" that post here.

Jul 7, 2009
Depends on your demonstration of these accomplishments. Hell yeah I take pride in my accomplishments and will share (keyword) it with people. The difference I see it being thrown in your face as if people are some peons that haven't reached you level in life in defense to opposition. Face the fact that not everyone is going to like you as a musician and move on.
Dec 26, 2004
^Very good point. I mean as an artist, your job pretty much is to be challenged, at least I'd hope so. The challenge is what makes for great music in the long run.

If I tell someone I'm one of the best producers, I'm putting myself in a position for someone to challenge that. If someone opposes and I get all defensive, I clearly do no think I'm the best and people will see right through my inconsistency. This thread is an example of that to me.

Honestly, anything I say in this thread is to provoke thought, and maybe help someone have some possible insight. Good luck to you guys but ease up and focus on what it should really be about; the music.

That concludes my TL;DR. Thank you.
All I do is focus on my music, my work ethic proves that. As a artist your job is to make "music"not to be challenged but people will challenge that and thats ok if there challenging you to make different music THEY like...whats not ok is when people challenge artist and could care less if you dope or not, thats a siccness recipe and its easy to get everyone mixed up and call them a hater. Outside of this site I dont deal with or hear what is said on here about me..thats because people on here feel they have a personal involvement cause of the years we all have been on this forum. How you type on here i have NEVER heard you say anything like it in person, if you felt a certin way about me or how i conduct my self better you could have voiced it to me directly cause i was inviting you to my studio a lot and you slide threw...you seemed like the quit type in person....see how things can get mixed up and perceived ? Just remember from the gate i have always been open arms homie...thats the type of person i am.
Props: abarnes

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
I dont agree with this part. Thats basically sayin that no artist should post anything that they have done or your going to get mad ..example features, projects, shows, events ..those are accomplishments IMO bro.
Promoting a project on the siccness is a completely different thing than bragging about how much money you make and how many cars and houses you have. There's Khayree and then there's Kaveo.
Jul 7, 2009
It's as simple as making yourself less accessible. That's not exclusive to Siccness, if you get a rise out of people who do not benefit you, you're setting yourself up for more of that. Question the people you surround yourself with, because if you can't say you've been booed or called wack in person, then somebody has to be beating around that.

And if I sound different from the last time you saw me, 3 or 4 years ago, I was 17 or 18 lol. I was a timid insecure teenager, admittedly, and I have voiced that on here to others with no hesitation. Now I'm an adult that can conduct arguments without hostility and I'm more secure in what I have to bring to the table. I'm legit trying to help anyone and you don't get helped by being told yes all the time.

But that's enough from me. I wish nothing but the best for anyone that's willing to look for it.
Dec 26, 2004
Promoting a project on the siccness is a completely different thing than bragging about how much money you make and how many cars and houses you have. There's Khayree and then there's Kaveo.
But im sure thats only said when he is challenged about what he has or doing by siccness users, ...so its not bragging if hes being challenged by posters and trolls...its letting it be known.