18 y/o flips off judge

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Oct 25, 2011
Right. It just how it go. Here's an example:
Me and my dudes we downtown walkin around on a Saturday night. My guy talkin to this female sitting on someone elses car. Cop walks up to him tells him to get off the car. He does. Then my boy walks towards us and the cop pushes him and says no go the other way. Now, if my boy would have said fuck you pig, etc, we woulda had to bail him out lol it just how it go, you gotta think smart not hard.
that is abuse of power period.

pigs like that piss me off.

I do not respect em, ever.

a few bad seeds has ruined the bunch for me.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
Just watched this &

A: Stupid bitch speak English in an American court or face the consequences.
B: Act like a fuckin adult & learn how to court or fuck off your chances... don't nobody in that room think you are cute funny or cunning.
C: do a video or 36 for 8thstreetlatinas

Jan 29, 2005
So people in a position of power shouldn't automatically be respected?
Like teachers, police, judges, our parents etc? People like that should automatically be respected imo.
Had she respected the judge she wouldn't be doing 30 days in the joint.
Tell me why people in "position of power" should be automatically respected. This post and your post right after this one is telling me that you don't genuinely respect them either, but you bite your tongue out of fear, that's not respect that you're showing them at all.

The point of my first post is what I literally said. JUDGES HAVE WAY TOO MUCH POWER. That judge charged her with a crime, convicted her of a crime, and sentenced her for the crime all within the course of a few seconds and all outside of the job we was collecting a paycheck to do and outside of the crime she was in that court for that day. So a person who is obviously a man who abuses a power given to him is a respectable person to you?

The only thing the girl is guilty of is stupidity and if you guys really think 30 days in jail for a girl with no priors and a job that she's now going to lose is an acceptable punishment for being stupid I truly feel sorry for you guys. A day in jail? A weekend in jail? OK go for it, that tells her don't fuck around in a court room and to shut up next time and it gives her a "prior" that then shows that maybe if there is a next time step it up. But 30 fucking days is a long ass time in jail for "back talk" and is a terrible abuse of power.

The fact that a judge has the power and authority to charge her with a crime, convict her of a crime, and sentence her for the crime just off the top of his head in the course of a few seconds with her unable to defend said crime is disgusting. Nobody should have the power to be able to take away somebody's Freedom on a fucking whim, especially just up and making up random ass numbers on the spot like "Welp you backed talked me, an ENTIRE MONTH in jail". Fuck that

Back talk isn't a crime and i've seen plenty of "contempt of court" charged people who flat out flipped out on judges get ONE SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT in jail for it. 30 days is terrible, but I forgot all the hardcore's on the siccness, 30 days in the clink ain't shit lol
Jan 29, 2005
I actually I do automatically respect judges, cops, my boss, parents, etc. However if I do come across one that does abuse their power then yes I do bite my tongue and take the high road because that's the smart thing to do.
That's cool for your situation in your life and a part of who you are, but this judge IMO is outrageous for putting a non criminal in jail with criminals for an entire month for "disrespect"

disrespect is not a crime and back talk is not a crime

when I see court videos and hear stories of contempt of court charges i've never heard of somebody getting more then a night in jail for it

This is contempt of court as defined by Federal Statutes 18 USC 401-403 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 42:

Direct contempt is that which occurs in the presence of the presiding judge (in facie curiae) and may be dealt with summarily: the judge notifies the offending party that he or she has acted in a manner which disrupts the tribunal and prejudices the administration of justice. After giving the person the opportunity to respond, the judge may impose the sanction immediately.
The girl did not disrupt the tribunal of the administration of justice due to the fact SHE WAS ALREADY DISMISSED BY THE JUDGE and she did not get the chance to respond.

Sorry if i'm going off, but abuse of power bugs the shit out of me, especially with all of the police brutality videos coming out what seems like daily now. I'm one of those "punishment should fit the crime" kind of people and I don't think back talk, especially after she was officially no longer in court due to the fact she was dimissed warrants 30 days locked up.


Jul 6, 2005
Why did she declare she had jewelery? what a dumb bitch.

rule number one...never tell anyone how much money or assets you got...

especially the GOV
exactly why I have a huge problem with the govt requiring guns to be registered too.

men easily corruptable, should not be given such power over others.

I also believe in mandatory jail sentences for cops abusing their power. it aint finna happen but it should.

just think: people in other countries are actually worse off than us too.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
That's cool for your situation in your life and a part of who you are, but this judge IMO is outrageous for putting a non criminal in jail with criminals for an entire month for "disrespect"

disrespect is not a crime and back talk is not a crime

when I see court videos and hear stories of contempt of court charges i've never heard of somebody getting more then a night in jail for it

This is contempt of court as defined by Federal Statutes 18 USC 401-403 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 42:

The girl did not disrupt the tribunal of the administration of justice due to the fact SHE WAS ALREADY DISMISSED BY THE JUDGE and she did not get the chance to respond.

Sorry if i'm going off, but abuse of power bugs the shit out of me, especially with all of the police brutality videos coming out what seems like daily now. I'm one of those "punishment should fit the crime" kind of people and I don't think back talk, especially after she was officially no longer in court due to the fact she was dimissed warrants 30 days locked up.
This is the society we live in and with power sometimes corruption and abuse of that power soon follows.
I too have seen defendants rush judges, cuss them out, heck my own cousin did it once and wondered why he got a harsh sentence lol u just gotta be smart bro and play the game right. Had she been eloquent, well spoken, answered the judges questions appropriately and of course didn't flip him off, shed be back on the streets poppin zannies and gettin trained by the shower posse in sum miami slum.


Mar 15, 2010
Get pulled over for something minor but tell dude to go fuck himself, you probably going to jail
Tell a judge to fuck off during sentencing you probably getting fucked