the media loves to play naive and make a huge deal about cheaters. fuck them, bunch of faggots.
fuck lance armstrong too. he tried to sue people into oblivion for telling the truth. faggot.
sports is entertainment, nothing more. take the juice out of the nfl, and the league would fucking suck.
going to the gym and simply eating right doesn't get you that type of size, unless you are genetically blessed.
AP looks like he might be on some shit too, imo. making millions and millions, why Wouldn't you juice? that's the kind of money that will change the future for generations in your fam, seems like a no brainer to me. rumors of lebron using hgh in high school? look where he is now, why the fuck not?
I can't knock the next man for doing what he gotta to make that money, especially when he aint hurting anyone doing it.