Lil lucky

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May 1, 2002
Dear Friend,

Thanks for your prompt response to my email.I am grateful for understanding my shortcoming in writing in another language. English is preferable. Sarah Hudak is a close friend and she agrred I use her email for security reason in order to reach you. I am the credit system programmer and also an account officer to one Late Dr. Manzoor Hasan. Before his untimely death he made a fixed Deposit of the sum of GBP30 000 000.00 to our branch office in Covenant Branch London. He died intestate leaving behind no legal valid will before his death. Hence, there is no legal heir to the funds. By British financial laws, after 18 months if no relative or next of kin, or legal claimant presented by a legal council comes forward to claim the funds, the Federal Supervisory Financial Authority (FSFA), will deposit the fund in the treasury account.

Recently, I was in Spain for a banking symposium that was held in Madrid. Bankers, investment-stock brokers, merchant banker, insurance brokers, economists, political dignitaries etc, across the globe were in attendance during the symposium. It was aimed to find measures in strategically create monetary policies and other economic measures that will alleviate the global financial meltdown through budget deficit cut. During this symposium, I made a firm arrangement with a Security and finance Company for the transfer of the funds solely for investment purpose. The Security and Finance company awaits the transfer of the funds.

After transferring the funds to the Security and Finance company in Spain, your physical presence will be needed in Security and Finance Company Spain as the legal claimant in whose name the funds will be transferred out from UK to make final claim by cash.

As the account officer to the fixed deposit funds, and with the help of my lawyer, I want to present you as the legal claimant of the funds. I have all the documents covering the transaction. My lawyer will handle all the legal proceedings at the Ministry of Justice on your behalf.

Attached to this message is identity of the man who deposited the GBP30 Million and the deposited certificate given to him by HSBC bank as at the time of deposit.

All I need is your consent and keeping the transaction confidential. I am offering 30% of the entire sum. I will take care of all the expenses involved in the legal proceedings here in London.
I am waiting for your answer so that we will proceed to the next step.

Best regards

George Daniels


smoking meth with steve
Mar 14, 2004
干你娘的屁眼, 你妈卖批!!!!
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