1. moonrise kindom (i guess it was just me. wasn't feeling it.
2. Spiderman (another fucking remake already?)
3. end of watch (stupid ass movie about cops getting killed by sewer rats)
I took my fiance to see that and she loved it. I honestly thought it was in the top 5 worst movies I've ever seen in my life. I can't imagine it being much worse.
Lots of unknown movie titles for me. I barely watch any movies now because most of them are crap, to predictable and always on some good guy bad guy stuff or some lame superhero stuff like batman or bond. But I will check out some of these.
i dont watch alllllot of movies so you all my think these picks suck but my top 3 fav movies of 2012 were
21 jumpstreet (havent laughed in a movie theater ever the way I did at this movie)
Brave (awesome animation and good story)(it was this or paranorman)
rise of the guardians (I dont see how anyone could not enjoy this movie)