Anybody know why Shadow hasn't ever dropped a solo?

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Jan 30, 2004
You have to move around 20,000 units in order to make $100k, how many underground artist these days are selling that many cd's per album?? Maybe if Shadow dropped a record in the late 90's/early 2000's he could make that much, but that was back when selling 10-15k cd's wasn't uncommon for an underground rapper with alot of buzz. For a lot of rappers, there ain't that kinda money to be made these days... Unless you're Rob Rize, who makes 1.5 million dollars. For everyone else, the now over saturated rap market and internet piracy killed alot of that.
LOL damn like Woodie says "Keep pumpin my name cause U just pumpin my fame" U always bringin my name up yo!All good tho U seem like a good dude..maybe a little insecure tho